Medigrip Permeable Non-woven Synthetic Adhesive Stretch Tape B.P. (Stretchable Dressing Tape)
Medigrip Permeable Non-woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape B.P. (Microporous Non-woven Paper Tape)

Product Description:
Permeable Non Woven Synthetic Adhesive Tape B.P. is made of a non-woven textile material spread evenly with a polymeric adhesive mass which does not offset when the tape is unrolled and which does not separate from the backing under normal conditions of use. The tape is permeable to air and water vapour. The adhesive surface is protected with a smooth release paper.
- Retention of post-operative wound dressings
- To secure catheters and drainage tube
- Securing dressings & ostomy pouches to fragile skin
- Retaining gauze and absorbent pads
- On areas where swelling or movement is expected
- Wound dressing specially in difficult curved body areas or fragile skin
- Combines security with comfort
- Highly conformable
- Provides reliable fixation for catheters & drainage tubes
- Allows joints to be dressed without constraining movement
- Coated with hypoallergenic adhesive
- Excellent cross & diagonal stretch for mild to moderate compression
Packing*: Medigrip Permeable Non-woven Synthetic Adhesive Stretch Tape B.P.
*(subject to change)
Description |
No. of rolls per box |
No. of boxes per inner |
No. of inners per shipper |
No. of rolls per shipper |
Shipper size (mm) |
Weight per shipper (kg) |
10 cm x 10 m | 1 | 6 | 6 | 36 | 365 x 280 x 360 | 7.0 |
10 cm x 2 m | 1 | 10 | 10 | 100 | 330 x 290 x 240 | 5.0 |